Secure Transcript - Marksheet
Get Your Digital Credentials Verified, Get Discovered
Get Secure and TamperProof Results & Transcript / Marksheet with the Help of OpenEduCat.
![OpenEduCat Secure Transcript OpenEduCat Secure Transcript](/theme_openeducat/static/src/img/communication_feature/secure-1.png)
OpenEduCat Secure Transcript - Marksheet
![Get Verified Get Verified](/theme_openeducat/static/src/img/secure-trasnscript/simplyfy.png)
Get Verified Quickly
Get instantly verifiable student transcript / markesheet for real-time verification QR code.
![Save Time Save Time](/theme_openeducat/static/src/img/secure-trasnscript/saving.png)
Save Time and Effort
Save time in the manual verification and validation process.
![Enhance Reputation Enhance Reputation](/theme_openeducat/static/src/img/secure-trasnscript/branding.png)
Enhance Reputation
Using OpenEduCat, schools and employers can verify online degrees, diplomas and other credentials.
![Report Card Report Card](/theme_openeducat/static/src/img/communication_feature/secure-2.png)
Enrich Your Educational Experience
Create : Create custom QR codes, Digital Certificates, IDs
Share : Share enabled credentials for credibility.
Analyze : Access information rich reports and analytics.
Why Should You Use OpenEduCat for Educational Credentials
![Low Maintenance Low Maintenance](/theme_openeducat/static/src/img/secure-trasnscript/cost-effective.png)
Low Maintenance and Cost-Effective
OpenEduCat Secure is a cost-effective solution for preventing counterfeiting. Their user-friendly and low maintenance nature makes it an ideal solution to employ on a small or large scale, especially for semi-automatic or fully automatic stamping processes.
![Easy to Use Easy to Use](/theme_openeducat/static/src/img/secure-trasnscript/easy.png)
Easy to Use
OpenEduCat is a platform for issuing and validating certificates. A verified certificate issued using OpenEduCat will have an imprinted QR code on it. This QR code can be easily scanned by the user.
![Building Trust Building Trust](/theme_openeducat/static/src/img/secure-trasnscript/trust.png)
Building Trust
The OpenEduCat platform is a perfect solution for institutes that want to stand against certificate counterfeiting. We at OpenEduCat, bring you a guaranteed certificate security framework which secures your campus at every level.
![Track and Trace Track and Trace](/theme_openeducat/static/src/img/secure-trasnscript/track.png)
Track and Trace
The OpenEduCat is the next generation educational platform that helps validate, credential, and reference education in a seamless manner.